Women In Motorsports North America
EIN 88-1257248
- Antidiscrimination
- Diversity & Intergroup Relations
- Amateur Leagues
- Professional Leagues
- Virtual Programs
Advocating for Women in Motorsports in North America
Women have been and are successful in all areas of motorsports, whether as drivers, crew members, or other professional roles within the industry. WIMNA exists because we want to celebrate the many women who are successful in the industry, and to find ways to gather the community of professional men and women together to help fuel the growth of women pursuing careers in motorsports through mentorship and advocacy.
Women in Motorsports North America is a community of professionals devoted to supporting opportunities for women across all disciplines of motorsport by creating an inclusive, resourceful environment to foster mentorship, advocacy, education, and growth, thereby ensuring the continued strength and successful future of our sport.
Women In Motorsports North America is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2023 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.