Sleep In Heavenly Peace Inc (VA) (Hampton)
EIN 46-4346568
- Nonprofit Management
- Community Service Clubs
Sleep in heavenly peace, inc. (SHP), founded in twin falls, Id in 2013, was established as a non-profit organization for the purpose of providing fully-furnished, hand-made beds for children who are otherwise without a bed of their own. SHP believes the number of children experiencing "bedlessness" is a silent epidemic and that the number of children in need far exceeds the availability of beds for the underprivileged.The organization's mission, to see that no kid sleeps on the floor in our town, has guided the growth and expansion of SHP to 176 chapters across the united states, and an affiliated organization in Canada with two chapters. community volunteers construct and deliver free, fully-furnished beds to children in need in local chapter areas. SHP has only a few compensated employees who are responsible for overall business operations. These employees and all volunteers are under the control of a board of directors. All told, in 2019, SHP led 56,255 community volunteers to build 29,960 beds and deliver 20,416 beds, getting children in over 9,000 families off the floor and into beds of their own, many for the first time in their life.
We are an ALL Volunteer run nonprofit that works to provide hand-made, fully-furnished beds to children in need in our community. Many of the children we have served had been sleeping on piles of blankets on the floor, air mattress or doubled up with other family members. A bed for a child is SO much more than just a bed. It is their own safe space in the home. A place to read, play, dream and rest all of their own.
Sleep In Heavenly Peace Inc (VA) is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2023 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.