IndyHumane - Humane Society Of Indianapolis
EIN 35-0876385
- Animal Protection & Welfare
- Veterinary Services
Saving Lives & Having the Zoomies Since 1905
Set in the Racing Capital of the World and home to the world’s oldest and most famous auto racing track, IndyHumane knows how important things like fueling up, regular pit stops, and tune-ups are to race car drivers and pets! That’s why IndyHumane is participating in NASCAR Day’s Giveathon put on by the NASCAR Foundation!
IndyHumane is an essential part of the animal-welfare ecosystem. We partner with Indy’s municipal animal care services, rescue groups and other grassroots partners to improve animal welfare in central Indiana.
PIT STOPS! Stop on in to IndyHumane where a variety of homeless canines (especially pitties) and kitties are awaiting a new loving home! We’re a shelter & adoption center, pet resource center for pets’ people, and more.
FUEL UP! The IndyHumane pet pantry provides pet food and supplies to hundreds of animal welfare and human service organizations. No one should have to make the choice to feed either themselves or their pet.
TUNE UPS! IndyHumane helps prevent the spread of disease and animal suffering by offering pet owners affordable vaccinations and preventative care, as well as microchipping to help reunite lost pets with their people and reduce the number of stray pets in our community. But that’s not all - the IndyHumane shelter provides complex medical care for homeless dogs and cats, including trauma surgeries and Parvo treatment. And thanks to a crew of volunteer foster families, IndyHumane also provides a safety net for rookie puppies and kittens.
WINNERS CIRCLE! Don’t let us break down! Please get your engine purring and donate today to support IndyHumane as we help pets race towards healthy futures and loving homes.
IndyHumane's mission is to improve animal welfare in central Indiana. We are committed to ending the cycle of pet overpopulation, providing affordable pet ownership, and ensuring the well-being, health and safely of all animals in our care. we strive to promote the human animal bond and the powerful impact this mutually beneficial relationship has on individuals, families and the Indianapolis community.
IndyHumane - Humane Society Of Indianapolis is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2023 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.