Council On Aging of Volusia County Inc
EIN 59-1160221
- Verified
- Special Population
- Out-Patient Services
COA makes it possible for Volusia County’s most vulnerable elderly citizens to stay safely and independently in their own homes for as long as possible
Under the Older Americans Act legislation, U.S. residents 60 and older are eligible for special services, prioritizing those with the most social and economic needs. These services include congregate and home-delivered meals, nutrition education, homemaking, personal care, material aid, transportation, in-home respite, in-facility respite, caregiver training and support, information, referral, outreach, education, and counseling.
Community Care - The State of Florida's general revenue program provides in-home services for clients 60 and over who have been assessed as functionally impaired by trained case managers. This program includes follow-up visits and links to other community services. The services include case management, homemaking, personal care, respite, adult day care, meals, emergency alert response, medical transportation, material aid, and pest control.
Alzheimer's Disease Initiative - This state-funded program provides respite care services, including in-home services for those with Alzheimer's disease, and provides training for caregivers of these victims.
Home Care for the Elderly - This program encourages caregiving for elders in family-type living arrangements in private homes as an alternative to institutional care. The program encourages caregivers to provide, on a not-for-profit basis, support and maintenance, and assistance in arranging specialized services for elderly relatives or non-relatives. Case management and subsidy payments are available to qualified caregivers and/or vendors for clients.
The mission of the Council on Aging of Volusia County is to enrich the lives of our most vulnerable elderly citizens by providing needed services that enable them to remain safely, comfortably, and with dignity in their own homes.
Council On Aging of Volusia County Inc is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2023 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.