Centreville Main Street
EIN 30-0254793
- Neighborhood Development
- Economic Development
- Business and Industry
Community Change Maker
Centreville Main Street is one of 33 designated Main Street programs in Maryland, working to revitalize their communities. The program is often described as real places doing real work to revitalize their economies and preserve their character. Specifically, Main Street® is three things: a proven strategy for revitalization, a powerful network of linked communities, and a national support program that leads the field.
Our Fundraising Goal: $1,250+
We are raising money to create a pool of funds to support the advertising efforts of our stakeholders: businesses; non-profits and schools in Centreville, MD. Traditional and digital advertising online is more important than ever before, but with increasing overhead it’s also more challenging. We want to help businesses and organizations in Centreville connect with new customers and patrons.
Main Street empowers communities to set their own destinies. While revitalization is challenging work, the Main Street program offers a road-map for locally-owned, locally-driven prosperity. Across the country, thousands of communities have used the Main Street Approach to transform their economies, leverage local leadership, and improve overall quality of life.
Centreville Main Street's mission is to create a strong, vibrant, and relevant downtown. The program focuses on revitalization, preservation and promotion efforts as well as developing relationships so that our designated district serves as the core of a thriving community for all of our businesses and residents as well as our visitors.
Centreville Main Street is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2023 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.