Zachary Tinkle Foundation
EIN 87-4216619
- Animal Protection & Welfare
Racing for Rescues
The 2022 season started by partnering with Grateful Rescue out of Muncie, IN on the Racing for Rescues initiative. Zachary’s minicup trailer was turned into a pet supply trailer. Our first stop was at Halifax Humane in Daytona. We ran the Grateful logo on the hood, which was awesome since Pamela and Mike from Grateful were there to see it.
While in Phoenix, national TV Show The List came to the track and filmed an informational piece on things to donate to a shelter that you might not think about. Other media appearances and mentions about our efforts were: Life Style Live in Indianapolis, several podcasts and radio stations, Speedway TownTalk articles, and FS1.
During the season, Zachary partnered with the American Association of Pet Parents for the Laps 4 Love program that helped to provide over 25,000 pounds of food and several palettes of supplies to animal shelters and rescues in cities where Zachary raced.
Soon, we joined with American Association of Pet Parents who created the Laps 4 Love program so that fans could sponsor race laps and donate to pet causes. Our second stop was at Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter in Alabama with AAPP, which had a local TV station come out for coverage. We ran the AAPP logo on the hood and were so glad that Tricia from AAPP and a few other people from the shelter were there trackside.
We also supported Indy Neighborhood Cats and FIDO and a food campaign in Muncie, Indiana. There were several events that we attended to raise awareness: PopCon, Grateful Gala, Celebrity Catwalk, private lunch and learn that partnered with Indiana Owned on, Speedway Chamber Taste of the Town, Speedway Indoor Karting (this raised funds for Paws & Think). Our partner Super Clean generously donated a palette of supplies and we handed out over 2,000 goody bags with their samples at events.
Fans & photographers loved our colorful pug pit sign and mascot that attended the karting event. At the end of the year we were able to help the KennMar Foundation deliver presents locally.
So far, in 2023, Zachary has done many things through his charity efforts:
The Laps 4 Love program is continuing with American Association of Pet Parents.
To support the NASCAR Foundation Speediatrics efforts, Zachary participated in the Daytona and Kansas Speedway in-person events at those race tracks.
In the spring, he gave speech to a gym full of elementary students and city leaders to encourage kids to learn to read. He also read one of his children's books to the 6th grade class and gave copies to all the students in the class after answering questions.
Before his first race of the season, he participated in a local fundraising efforts events for Speedway Animal Rescue and Grateful Rescue. He also made appearances on Grateful Rescue TV and the KJ Today Show to support the causes.
Zachary Tinkle Foundation is a 501c3 that provides funds to advance social causes such as pet rescues, veteran causes, reading programs and various children’s programs in every location that Zachary Tinkle participates in a motor speedway race.
Zachary Tinkle Foundation is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2024 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.