SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council
EIN 76-0419172
- Diseases & Conditions
- Hospitals & Primary Facilities
Providing free infant and hands-only resuscitation training to EMS and vulnerable communities.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of infants, children, and adults require life-saving resuscitation before arriving at the hospital. Performing CPR can increase their chance of survival by two to three times. However, in many situations, friends, family, and bystanders don't know what to do.
Your donation will bring hands-only CPR training to residents in vulnerable communities and help provide free education on life-saving interventions for infants to EMS providers.
By participating, you are making a difference in life-saving efforts that impact entire communities.
The mission of the SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council is to develop and sustain a powerful coalition of providers, responders, and other healthcare related partners united together to save lives and improve health outcomes through research, education and collaboration.
SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2024 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.