Save The Clefts Rescue
EIN 83-2239024
- Animal Protection & Welfare
- Animal Therapy
We are a SPECIAL KIND OF SPECIAL Animal Rescue!
Welcome to Save The Clefts Rescue.!!! This is the story of how we began and where we are now!
On November 14, 1995 our first cleft palate puppy came into our lives and we named Bosley. Unfortunately, Bosley only lived a little over 4 weeks. Life wasn't full of resources at your finger tips then and a cleft puppy was something new for us and our vet. We tried everything we could with the knowledge we had at the time and unfortunately it wasn't enough. Up to this point, I've not told Bosley's story to many people probably because I would of, could of, should of myself when ever I think of him. However it's become important to me to tell you that his little short life and his cleft palate changed my life forever! Because of him I try harder, am more determined to gain knowledge and seek resources that can help other cleft puppies. Because of him I believe cleft puppies deserve a fighting chance!
Then came Grace aka Graci.... On August 4, 2006 our 2nd cleft puppy, Graci, came into our lives. Fortunately for us and Graci, medicine and technology advanced tremendously between 1995 and 2006. Upon examination, at 3 days old, our regular vet suggested we put her down. I bred the dogs that produced her precious self (we haven't bred since) . I was responsible for her existence and I just couldn't throw her away that quickly. I sought out a local specialty surgeon who also told me he didn't have much luck operating on cleft puppies but I should take her to NC State Vet Hospital and see what they had to say before making a decision. Graci was 4 weeks old when we got our first appointment with the doctors there. I cried most of the 2 hour ride to NC State because I had made up my mind whatever they said was best for her I would do and I was deathly afraid they would tell me to put her down. We met with Dr. Kyle Mathews that day and he gave us the best news ever. He stated that most often there is nothing else wrong with the puppy other than the cleft and if I was committed to feeding her until she could eat on her own she would be fine and live a normal life (possibly needing corrective surgery later but still a normal life). The rest is history!! Graci lived an incredibly spoiled life in which she honestly believed she was human and not dog. She passed away August 19, 2016 at the age of 10; due to cancer and not her cleft! She stole our hearts in 2006 and in 2016 she took huge pieces of our hearts with her to heaven! We will forever feel blessed beyond measure for our 10 years with her and will miss her always!
Even today, with all the resources and technology many vets will still suggest putting cleft puppies down or the puppies will simply not thrive and pass away on their own. We are here to create awareness and tell you, if possible, these puppies deserve a chance to live wonderful lives. They do take work and extra care. Most often they require tube feeding for weeks until they can eat on their own. In the beginning those feedings are around the clock as if you were their parent. They are more expensive to raise then a "normal" puppy and some are a real challenge to keep alive at first BUT BUT BUT..... they were put on this earth for a reason, they were born for a reason; they are NOT a mistake and they will bless your life beyond measure and you will be better because of them!
Next... is all about...Lily Grace... I had been making blankets for rescue animals in memory of Graci ever since she passed and I would always tell the rescue organizations if they got or heard of a cleft puppy I wanted to try and save it. After a few months of not hearing back from rescues, I started to search out boxer breeders on Facebook and private messaged them telling them to please give me a chance to try and save a cleft puppy if they ever had one. One day I stumbled upon a breeders page and he had posted a picture of a cleft lip puppy and he was telling the world she was born and had a cleft lip. WOW (most will hide these puppies) As you can imagine, I immediately started messaging him telling him I wanted her! Him and his wife were doing everything in their power to keep this beautiful girl alive and she was struggling. They felt like I felt all those years before; she was their responsibility, they brought her into this world and they wanted her to live. She was NOT a mistake. Because of my previous experience they decided to allow me to try and save her!! I thank them and the Lord for this wonderful blessing we now call Lily Grace. She is ALIVE and THRIVING!
After Lily Grace things seemed to mushroom. We started getting calls, texts and messages from breeders, all over the place, who wanted to save their cleft puppies and/or wanted to surrender them to us or another rescue closer to them.
On November 20, 2018 we officially became, Save The Clefts Rescue, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We are dedicated to saving cleft lip/palate and other special needs animals that would normally be euthanized. We hand raise them around the clock from birth; caring for their physical, medical, and psychological needs until they are old enough and healthy enough to be adopted into forever homes. We believe they are blessings, not mistakes, and have a very special purpose to fulfill in this life. We work hard at raising awareness, educating, and advocating for their lives.
Welcome to our rescue; may the lives of our babies help save other lives through knowledge and understanding!!
Contact us at.....
If you have a pup in need now please text 704-287-4845
We are dedicated to saving cleft lip/palate and other special needs animals that would normally be euthanized. We hand raise them around the clock from birth; caring for their physical, medical, and psychological needs until they are old enough and healthy enough to be adopted into forever homes. We believe they are blessings, not mistakes, and have a very special purpose to fulfill in this life. We work hard at raising awareness, educating, and advocating for their lives.
Save The Clefts Rescue is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2024 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.