The Neighborhood Center Of West Volusia Inc
EIN 59-1295217
- Basic & Emergency Aid
- Family Services
- Shelter & Housing
Providing food, shelter and hope, one neighbor at a time.
The Neighborhood Center of West Volusia (NHCWV)
We empower, transform, and transition economically challenged individuals and families into self-sufficient, self-confident citizens. Our overarching strategy is to meet individuals where they are and provide the essential resources they need to reach each next step. We aim to enhance each client’s self-will and determination with the hope and the means to transform their lives into productive, responsible, caring, and contributing members of society. We serve those in need with respect and integrity to give them hope for the future.
Housing Services: Our housing services encompass a range of supports designed to guide homeless individuals and families with children toward permanent housing solutions. This comprehensive approach includes emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing catering to homeless adults and families with children. Our dedicated team offers our clients case management alongside financial and therapeutic assistance.
In 2023, our efforts provided Permanent Supportive Housing for 71 individuals, Permanent Housing for 38 individuals, Rapid ReHousing for 164 individuals, and Transitional Housing for 135 individuals, culminating in a total of 408 individuals assisted with housing.
Prevention Services: An essential element of our prevention strategy is our Food Pantry, which is critical in distributing food, hygiene products, diapers, baby food and formula, and pet food. Additionally, we extend financial assistance for rent and utilities to eligible individuals, recognizing that supporting people in maintaining their homes is more cost-effective than addressing homelessness once it occurs. Collaborating with Second Harvest Food Bank, we organize food drops twice a month, serving an average of 375 households per drop. This partnership amplifies our efforts to alleviate food insecurity and bolster household stability in our community.
Family Emergency Shelter: Scheduled to open this summer, our remodeled "red house" will offer shelter for a duration of sixty to ninety days, accommodating up to five families of diverse sizes. The communal living space will feature private bedrooms alongside shared common areas. Residents will benefit from access to all support services provided by NHCWV, which are aimed at facilitating their transition to permanent housing. This initiative underscores our commitment to assisting families experiencing housing instability and advancing their journey toward sustainable housing solutions.
The Bridge Shelter: The Bridge, inaugurated in September 2020 as a symbol of hope, extends its support to 30 single adult individuals in the heart of DeLand. Owned and funded by the City of DeLand and operated by NHCWV, this facility exemplifies the strength of community collaboration.
Volunteers from local churches, organizations, and individuals provide daily meals and other support services, such as showers, haircuts, and laundry, to unsheltered community clients.
The Bridge serves multiple purposes: a temporary shelter for up to 90 days for 14 women and 16 men, a day center, and an extreme weather shelter.
The Neighborhood Center of West Volusia's Mission is to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and prevent homelessness in the communities of West Volusia, Florida.
The Neighborhood Center Of West Volusia Inc is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2024 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.