Hope Strengthens Foundation
EIN 27-1653356
- Diseases & Conditions
- In-Patient Services
- Cancer
- Basic & Emergency Aid
- Family Services
Providing Hope & Strength During Difficult Times
Hope Strengthens Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that provides critical financial support to individuals and families facing a life-threatening illness, disability, or recovery from traumatic injuries.
This includes assistance with medical bills, purchasing specialized equipment to assist in recovery, and to cover other expenses directly related to care.
Hope Strengthens Foundation has also established successful partnerships with hospital patient service programs, including Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Pediatric Resource Center, Mass General Cancer Center at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, and Home Base. Through these partnerships, we’ve established funds that their care teams can access to deliver support for verified needs for patients receiving treatment.
But our work doesn’t stop there.
We’re also seeking to effect long-term change and assist in the training of future healthcare professionals who may not have the financial resources to successfully complete their educations. To accomplish this, we have established scholarship programs with the Northeastern University Bouvé College of Nursing and University of New Hampshire College of Health and Human Services to support first generation college students with an expressed financial need who are pursuing a career in healthcare.
To learn more about our work, please view this short film.
Mission Statement:
Hope Strengthens Foundation provides critical financial support to individuals and families facing a life-threatening illness, disability, or recovery from traumatic injuries.
Hope Strengthens Foundation is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2024 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.