Friends Of Wisconsin Camp Tapawingo Corporation
EIN 87-3408902
- Verified
- Scouting
- Programming
Camp Tapawingo Wisconsin - A Place of Joy
Camp Tapawingo is a 77-acre slice of wilderness in northern Manitowoc County, with a river running through it. The camp was founded in the 1960s to provide opportunities for local youth to experience nature in a co-ed environment that supports personal development. Camp Tapawingo strives to operate affordable camps for families in northeast Wisconsin. We are proud to have continued this tradition for 60 years.
In addition to offering traditional youth overnight and day camps each year, we also provide opportunities to learn specific skills: Tractor Safety, Hunter Safety, Archery, and Astronomy are some of the skills we teach in more intensive camping experiences.
Our camp has a main lodge for feeding and housing a large number of youth or adults, 13 cabins housing 4-8 people, an Archery Center, a Nature Center, and the Wagner Building, which hosts many craft activities. A 60+ year-old facility needs considerable love and attention, as well as regular updates, to ensure we can meet current expectations and regulations.
Besides addressing the normal wear-and-tear of 60 years of active use, the camp invests in new technology, such as our Astronomy program, to bring new and unique experiences to local youth. We also have goals to refresh our tennis courts to bring them back to good playing conditions for multiple sports, including basketball and pickleball.
In recent years, we have expanded our scheduled camping opportunities to include special family camping events and adult or mixed-age crafting activities, such as glass fusing and felting.
Our goal for this campaign is to raise the funds we need to tear up and resurface our outside mixed-use ball court to ensure that we can provide a well-rounded camp experience for all who come to enjoy Camp Tapawingo.
At Camp Tapawingo each visitor engages with nature to learn and grow as an individual, a peer group, or a family group. Our mission is to offer low-cost camp programming that meets the community's needs, focusing on youth organizations such as 4-H, FFA, school programs, other not-for-profit organizations and community programs, as well as family groups.
We offer a number of skill-based camp experiences, including: Archery Camp, Craft Camp, Exploringthe Outdoors, Hiking/GPS, Tractor Safety, Hunter Safety, Family Camp, and Winter Camp, and Astronomy (new for 2024). At each of the youth camps, we have youth counselors. Our older youth learn to exercise leadership, problem-solving, communication, community engagement, and organizational skills.
Camp Tapawingo is an outdoor learning lab with equipment to fit the needs of our community and ignite curiosity about nature. Students and teachers of all ages can explore the forest, learn about water ecosystems, and immerse themselves in nature.
Friends Of Wisconsin Camp Tapawingo Corporation is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2024 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.