San Francisco, CA
Autoinflammatory Alliance Inc
EIN 20-4915307
- Diseases & Conditions
- Genetic Diseases & Birth Defects
- Medical Research
We are racing to accelerate more research and support autoinflammatory disease patients.
The Autoinflammatory Alliance is driving change and making a difference, thanks to the generous support of people like you, and our dedicated patients, caregivers and healthcare providers that are helping our nonprofit. This fundraiser will support much-needed research, educational programs and support for patients; plus outreach, awareness to medical professionals globally. Fundraising for research will give patients the winning edge in the race against time with these rare diseases. Most autoinflammatory diseases are lifelong conditions, from infancy or early childhood onwards. Some families with certain genetically-inherited autoinflammatory diseases have been undiagnosed for years, or generations. But they have found us and we have helped them get on the road to a diagnosis, care and treatment. We're making a big difference, but more funds are urgently needed for research, not only to help in North America, but also in underserved parts of the world. More targeted treatments are needed to save more patients from complications from these conditions, that can sometimes be life-threatening or life-limiting. Our nonprofit has funded the development of the Translational Autoinflammatory Research Network (TARN) to address unmet patient needs. Plus conferences and working groups with experts from around the world together to develop guidelines for the diagnosis, care and treatment for a number of these diseases. And programs for medical professionals and patients in-person or virtually, and free, printed or downloadable materials to reduce barriers. Our medically edited autoinflammatory-search.org database is a leading global resource for doctors to learn, compare and consider these diseases. We need to update, expand then translate it into other languages.
The Autoinflammatory Alliance is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit public charity dedicated to promoting awareness, proper diagnosis and treatment, research and improved care for people with autoinflammatory diseases. We are based in the US, but help patients globally too.
The Autoinflammatory Alliance is volunteer-run by patients and caregivers. We advocate, support and empower patients and caregivers dealing with these rare, complex and more newly classified diseases. Our Give-a-Thon funds will support more patient-driven research; plus patient programs, advocacy, awareness and outreach to medical professionals so they can help patients get diagnosed and treated sooner.
Autoinflammatory Alliance Inc is a Charity participating in the NASCAR Day Giveathon 2024 a Giving Day event, presented by The NASCAR Foundation.
Total Raised
Total Raised